
Horticulture Department

Office Address: Office of the District Horticulture Officer, Khliehriat

Organizational Structure



State Plan Schemes


1. Vegetable Development Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

To promote vegetable production through HYV seeds/Hybrids/Improved/Open Pollinated seedlings, including assistance to farmers.

Type of assistance/service

(i)The Scheme assists in providing hybrid, HYV and OP quality vegetable seed etc. to farmers at subsidized rate.

(ii) Providing poly houses to farmers for production of off- season and high value vegetables under protected cultivation

(iii) To assist farmers in trellis making for squash and other creeper vegetableswith locally available materials like bamboo wood etc. 

Pattern of assistance

i) 50% sale subsidy of hybrid, HYV and OP quality vegetable seeds, tools & implements.

ii) 100% assistance for 100sqm per unit area of poly house. 

iii) 100% assistance limited to 200 sqm per beneficiary in trellis making.

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide small and marginal farmers

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer.

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer.

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer.



2. Fruit Development Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

To promote fruit cultivation and Citrus rejuvenation of senile orchards by providing inputs and infrastructure support including Training and capacity building to farmers.

Type of assistance/service

(i)The Scheme assists in providing good quality planting materials including horticultural tools and implements at subsidized rates for promoting fruit cultivation.

(ii) Providing organic based plant protection measures for Citrus rejuvenation programme of senile orchards.

(iii) To assist farmers by providing permanent trellis system for creeper fruit plants like Kiwi, Grapes etc, however, planting and erecting trellis are to be done by farmers themselves.

(iv) Training and capacity building of farmers.

Pattern of assistance

i) 50% subsidy sale of planting materials, horticultural tools & implements.

ii) 100% assistance for citrus rejuvenation programme.

iii) 75% assistance limited to 500 sqm per beneficiary for permanent trellis.

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture possessing own or leased land of 0.2 hectare or more

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers on first come first serve basis.

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer.



3. Tuber Development Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

The key objective of the Scheme is to boost production and productivity of potato per unit area by providing quality HYV Tuber seeds, equipments and Organic based Plant Protection measures. The Scheme also aims to popularize and encourage cultivation of tapioca, colocasia, sweet potato etc.

Type of assistance/service

Providing quality HYV seed, organic based plant protection measures and plant protection equipments.

Pattern of assistance

50% subsidy on tuber seeds, equipments and Organic based Plant Protection measures.

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture possessing own or leased land of 0.2hectare or more.

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers on first come first serve basis

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer



4. Plant Protection Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

To mobilize and support farmers to use bio-pesticides and bio- agents for plant health management through distribution of bio-pesticides and other IPM tools and through sale of Sprayers and Plant Protection Equipments to encourage organic crop production

Type of assistance/service

The scheme provides bio- pesticides, bio-agents and other IPM tools (Fly traps, sticky traps, baffle traps, light traps etc and Plant Protection Equipments

Pattern of assistance

(i) Free distribution of bio-pesticides and bio-agents

(ii) 50% subsidy on sale of plant protection equipments

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture owning agricultural land or leased land of at least 0.2 hectares or more

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers on first come first serve basis

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer.

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer



5. Plantation Crop Development Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

To increase the area and production of all plantation crops like Arecanut, Cashewnut, Coconut etc, and to provide planting materials and infrastructure support (construction of soakage tank) for Arecanut growers

Type of assistance/service

The scheme provides planting materials, poly-pipes and financial assistance for construction of Arecanut soakage tank

Pattern of assistance

(i) 50% subsidy on sale of planting materials and poly-pipes.

(ii) 50% subsidy for construction of Arecanut soakage tank

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture owning agricultural land or leased land. of at least 0.2 hectares or more.

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers on first come first serve basis

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer



6. Floriculture Development Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

To motivate  the  farmers  to  take up  floriculture  (traditional  and  nontraditional  flowers)   as commercial venture  through  protected cultivation to augment their income.

Type of assistance/service

The scheme provides low cost poly house, drip irrigation and good quality flower planting materials including organic fertilizers, micro nutrients and organic based Plant Protection measures.

Pattern of assistance

(i)                 50% subsidy on flower planting materials.

(ii)              Low cost poly-house free of cost for a minimum area of 100sqm/unit.

(iii)            Free distribution of Organic Manures/ Fertilizers & Organic Based Plant Protection measures.

(iv)             50% subsidy on shade net, UV film, watering can, etc

Who can apply for the scheme

All Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers having minimum area of 0.2 hectares willing to invest for future expansion in terms of planting materials, infrastructure, etc

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer.



7. Agricultural Marketing Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

The key objective of the Scheme is to support farmers in Post Harvest Handling of produce

Type of assistance/service

Providing Metallic Bins, Plastic Crates, Display Racks, Beam Scale, Packaging Materials, Digital Weighing Machine, Turmeric Slices, Strawberry Pullets, etc

Pattern of assistance

50% subsidy on the sale of Post Harvest Handling Materials.

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide and progressive farmers on first come first basis.


How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers & entrepreneurs

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer.

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer.



8. Organic Manure Scheme:

Key objective of the scheme

(i) To promotes organic farming in the State

(ii) To reduce the use of Chemical Fertilizer

(iii) To promote and to create awareness on the advantages Organic Manures & Bio Fertilizers.

Type of assistance/service

Distribution of organic Manures for demonstration in farmers fields.

Pattern of assistance

Fully funded under the Scheme.

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers & entrepreneurs

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide and progressive farmers on first come first basis.

Whom to contact

(i) District Horticulture Officer.

(ii) Horticulture Development Officer.



Centrally Sponsored Schemes


1. Mission For Integrated Development Of Horticulture (MIDH) Sub Scheme Horticulture Mission For North East And Himalayan Region (HMNEH):

Key objective of the scheme

(i) To promote holistic growth of Horticulture sector thorough promotion, extension, post-harvest management, processing and marketing.

(ii) To encourage aggregation of farmers into farmer groups like FIGs/FPOs and FPCs to bring economy of scale and scope, enhance horticulture production, augment farmers’ income and strengthen nutritional security.

(iii) To improve productivity by way of quality germplasm, planting material and water use efficiency through Micro Irrigation, support skill development and create employment generation opportunities for rural youth in horticulture and post-harvest management.

Type of assistance/service

Financial Assistance & training and demonstration for (Human Resources Development)

(i) 50% assistance for production of planting materials, area expansion, water harvesting unit, protected cultivation (Poly-house, Poly- tunnels etc)

(ii) 50-55% assistance for Integrated Post Harvest Management Infrastructure

(iii) 40% assistance for Mushroom Cultivation & Bee Keeping

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture, possessing own or leased land of at least 0.2 (hectares) or more.

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer.

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide and progressive farmers on first come first basis

Whom to contact

        i.            Managing Director, MgSFAC

      ii.            District Horticulture Officer

    iii.            Horticulture Development Officer



2. Mission Organic:

Key objective of the scheme

To promote nature friendly scientific farming systems and practices that are economically viable, energy efficient and oriented towards the conservation of the environment and to empower rural communities building upon indigenous and traditional knowledge, skills and practices.

Type of assistance/service

Technology assistance, hand holding, institutional building, Organiuc Certification for major crops like Arecanut, Pineapple, Black Pepper, Orange, Turmeric, Ginger, Cachewnut

Pattern of Assistance

100% assistance from Adoption Certification


Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture, possessing own or leased land.

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer.

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers and farmers’ group.


Whom to contact

1.      Director of Horticulture

2.      Joint Director of Horticulture.

3.      District Horticulture Officer

4.      Horticulture Development Officer



3. Mission Organic Value Chain Development North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER):

Key objective of the scheme

To develop certified organic production in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds etc, certification to creation of facilities for collection, aggregation, processing, marketing and brand building initiative and to provide handholding, ( Internal Control System) ICS management, documentation and organic certification through Participatory Guarantee System (PGS)/Third party system under National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP).

Type of assistance/service

Technology assistance, hand holding, institutional building, Organic Crop Certification, Extension, Training, Group information.

Pattern of Assistance

100% assistance from adoption conversion certification marketing, value processing, etc

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers engaged in Agriculture, possessing own or leased land with a minimum area of 1 hectare.

How to apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through the nearest Horticulture Development Officer of a CD Block/ Horticulture Circle/ District Horticulture Officer

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

Bona fide farmers on a first come first basis.

Whom to contact

1.      Director of Horticulture.

2.      Joint Director of Horticulture.

3.      District Horticulture Officer.

4.      Horticulture Development Officer.



4. Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY):

Key objective

The key objective of the Scheme is creation of Water Harvesting Structures at the Farm Level for efficient water conservation and management so as to promote double cropping and enhance crop production.

Pattern of assistance

Infrastructure Development- fully funded as per feasibility report.

Type of assistance/ entitlement

Assistance for construction of Water harvesting ponds, tanks etc.

Who can apply for the scheme

Bona fide farmers having cultivable land and engage in Agriculture

How to apply for the benefits of the scheme

Bona fide farmers can apply in plain paper through nearest Agriculture Development Officer of C& RD Block/ Agriculture Circle of the concerned districts.

What is the beneficiaries’ selection procedure

The concerned DAO/DHO is to organize a joint inspection with concerned Executive Engineer (Water Resources Deptt.) for feasibility of projects to be taken up. Based on their feasibility report infrastructure development is taken up.