As per Provisional population figures of 2011 Census, the population is 1,22,939.
Demographic Label | Value |
Area | 2,040 Sq Km |
Population | 1,22,436 |
No. of C&RD Blocks | 2 |
No. of Villages | 206 |
No. of Electrified Villages | 153 |
Road length under NH44 | 92 Km |
Literacy Rate | 58.27% |
Density | 57 per Sq Km |
No. of Assembly Constituencies | 2 |
No. of District Council Constituencies | 9 |
No. of Police Stations & Outposts | 3 |
No. of Post Offices | 3 |
No. of CHC | 2 |
No. of PHC | 6 |
No. of Sub-Centres | 34 |
No. of Colleges | 2 |
No. of Secondary Schools | 38 |
No. of Govt. U.P. Schools | 3 |
No. of Deficit U.P. Schools | 8 |
No. of Govt. L.P. Schools | 110 |
Number of Anganwadi Centres | 233 |