
Disaster Management

The key part of emergency management in the event of any disasters in the District is the District Disaster Management Plan. It will play a significant role to address the unexpected disaster that occurs in the District. This Plan is based on the guidelines provided by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) which will enable the District to identify shortfalls in handling previous disasters and to ensure better advance preparedness in future. It would also reveal the strength and weakness and also vulnerability of the area. The purpose of the plan is to have full proof communication, ensure quick response, with active participation from all Government Departments, Communities, Volunteers, Community based organizations, Non Governmental Organizations and with a view to ensure optimal use of the available resources in minimize loss of life and property with fastest possible restoration to normalcy.

The District Disaster Management Plan involves some significant issues like Incident Response System (IRS), India Disaster Resource Network (IDRN) in disaster management. List of medical doctors, list of officers of various departments, ambulances, public health centers, Community Health Centers, Dispensaries, etc have been included in this plan.

To know more about Disaster Management of East Jaintia Hills District, Please read the Disaster Management Plan, 2018.